Dear Linguistic Club Participants,

I am happy to announce that the Linguistic Club continues its sessions. The spring meetings are held on February 24th, March 25th and April 29th. The topics for the next meetings are:

1. Mass media and its impact on students

2. Public speaking and the most famous public speakers

 Topic for the impromptu public speech:

My biggest concern for the future is…

3.Modern teaching in the 21st Century

February 24, 2015

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We invite you to join the Linguistic Club that is a student group interested in the study of language. The current membership is around 20 undergraduates. The club aims to foster a sense of community among those interested in the language.
The club holds meetings once a month to work on problem sets, discuss relevant new articles. In addition to the regular meetings, the club will host important speakers, in an effort to bring current linguistic research to the students.
The first meetings of the Autumn 2014 semester are October 22, November 19, December 10, 2:10-3:30 pm in room 448.

Dear English Linguistic Club participants,

thank you for the presentations that you have prepared!

 You are great friends!

Only great friends could have told so many interesting things about friendship.

The photos can be found in the gallery section.

Dear English Linguistic Club participants,

perform the following assignments, connected to the topic of October 23 English Linguistic Club.

Assignment 1.

  • Find associations with the word friendship. Group them according to the class (part of speech) they belong to. Identify the grammatical categories that characterize them. Make up a five-sentence story about friendship, using per two words from each class. Explain how their grammatical meaning changed.
  • Look for 2 proverbs about friendship. Comment on one of them.
  • What kind of friendship is there emphasized in the following saying A friend is, as it were, a second self?
    How is the friend from the above mentioned saying (cite features of the character)?

Assignment 2.

Watch the video. Render the content of the video (you may add something of yours).

  • Express your opinion on the video.
  • Give a set of pieces of advice for a long-lasting friendship.

December 9, 2014




  1. Nicoleta Voroniuc

    Great job!
    This is an ideal assignment for adult students. Most read the newspaper anyway, right? Or watch the evening news. Ask them to choose a news story that has piqued their interest, and have them:

    Write a report on the news story
    Write a dialogue in which a journalist interviews someone involved in the story.
    Answer a question like, “What could have gone differently?”, thus prompting them to use conditionals, for example (If the truck driver had not answered his cell phone, he would not have caused the accident.)


    • Dear Nicoleta,
      this is really an assignment for the 3nd year students. I am sorry that you have not got that I am teaching at the university and all the assignments fit their level.
      If you have observed the topic of the session was friendship, they prepared projects. As a consequence, they had to work on the semantics.
      I am quite sorry that you have get the track of everything that has been proposed.
      THanks anyway.


  2. Victoria I like your blog and especially I enjoy reading your students’ comments to different tasks.


  3. Alina Dobos

    Alina Dobos LAE 21
    Marriage Certificate
    Citizen: Vasiliev
    Alexander Profimer
    name, patronymic
    Born on June: 4, 1951
    Place of birth: Smila Cherkasy Oblast of USSR
    and citizen: Alhimova
    Zinaida Petrovna
    name, patronymic
    Born on: September 19, 1955
    Place of birth: Smila Cherkasy Oblast of USSR

    Entered into marriage on August 21, 1976
    date, month, year
    nineteen seventy six
    Marriage was registered in the Book of Registry of Marriages on August 21, 1976, under number 369
    After the marriage their names are as following:
    Husband: Vasiliev
    Wife: Vasilieva
    Place of registration: Smila
    the place and the name of the body
    Place of marriage: Cherkasy Oblast
    Date of issue: August 21, 1976
    Chief of Department of Vital Statistics: (signature)
    Round Seal
    I-CP 302701


    • The proper name are not translated. The names of the institutions are checked. for ex. Chief of Department of Vital Statistics, Book of Registry of Marriages. What institution are these? The word marriage is singular


  4. Lilia Berghi

    1. Trading Company _____ with the headquarters/social address in/located at____ phone: ____ fax: ______ e-mail: _____ VTA number _____bank account (IBAN International Bank Account Number) ____, SWIFT code (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) _____ bank _____ legally represented by ________ , (on the basis of pover of attorney no: ______from ______) hereinafter referred to as Buyer/Purchaser.


    Trading Company _____ with the social address in ________, registered at the Trade Register under no. ____, phone _____, fax _______, bank account _______, VTA number____ represented by _____ as administrator, hereinafter referred to as Seller.

    2. ________ legal person, registered under the laws/ existing and operating under the laws of _______, registered at _______ (hereinafter referred to as “Seller”), legally represented by _________ on the basis of_______, on the one hand

    ___________ individual, identified with Identification Code no______ series ______ issued by ______, on _______, hereinafter referred to as “Client”, on the other hand.


    Possible provisions:

    1. The object of the hereby contract is the transfer from the Seller’s property to the Buyer’s property, upon latter payment of the price, of the product _______

    2. The object of the hereby contract is the sale of the goods in the quality and in the amount provided in the annexes.

    3. The object of the hereby contract is the purchase from the Seller by the Buyer of _______, having the technical description mentioned in contract Annex ____

    4. The object of the hereby trade is the purchase from the Seller by the Buyer of the goods having the commercial name indicated in the firm order –as part hereof – and with technical characteristics as per the offer.

    5. The Seller binds to sell and the Buyer binds to purchase________ (the goods mentioned in annex no. ______ which comprises their description, quantities, quality, price, terms of delivery and values as were negotiated and agreed by the parties)

    6. The Seller undertakes to deliver and the Buyer undertakes to purchase the equipment ______ in conformity with the specifications, terms and conditions specified in the clauses below and in Section____ annexed to the present contract.

    7. The technical and quality parameters for the goods which constitute the object of the present contract are mentioned in Section ____ annexed to the present contract.

    8. Seller is hereby selling and Buyer is hereby purchasing the following goods (“Goods”) of Seller at the price, terms and conditions set in the present contract.

    IBAN: International Bank Account Number
    Its role is to standardize the identification of bank accounts. The IBAN account came and further developed from the initial bank accounts that existed prior to the introduction of IBAN, to which were added certain characters for national identification. After the introduction of codification of IBAN accounts, the IBAN numbers became sufficient to accomplish financial transfers on the whole territory of the European Union.

    SWIFT code
    Also known as SWIFT-BIC or BIC code – is a standard format of Bank Identifier Codes approved by the International Organization fof Standardization (ISO) and it represents a unique identification code of a certain bank. This code is used when transferring money between banks, especially for international transfers as well as for the exchange of messages between banks.


  5. Lilia Berghi

    Contract De Angajare aPersonalului De Sprijin Pentru Obervatorii Pe Termen Scurt

    Alegeri Parlamentare, 30 Noiembrie 2014

    Catre Victoria Mascaliuc- Data 28 Noiembrie 2014

    Se ofera prezentul contract pe termen scurt impreuna cu Observatori Pe Termen Scurt ai Organizației pentru Securitate și Cooperare în Europa/ Biroului Pentru Instituții Democratice și Drepturile Omului,Misiunea de Observare A Alegerilor, in conformitate cu conditiile stabilite in cele ce urmeaza :

    2. Locul Delegatiei oficiale: Balti
    3. Plata: Contract pe termen scurt: (60 Eur pentru o zi lucratoare.)
    Plata pentru taducator se efectueaza la incheierea contractului
    4. Data efectiva de angajare : din 28 Noiembrie 2014 pina la 1 Decembrie 2014 (4 zile)
    5. Data Expirarii si Alte Conditii :
    Acest contract este pentru o perioada determinata, mentionata in paragraful nr. 4. El va expira fara notificari aditionale la incheierea datelor de angajare mentionate anterior. Nu e nevoie de sperante la dreptul de prelungire, reinnoire sau insusire ilegala a unei functii.

    6. Asigurarea/ Asigurari Sociale
    Contractul nu prevede nici o forma de asigurare sociala, de viata, de accidente, incapaciate, sau asigurari de sanatate. Persoana esrte responsabila pentru a-si organiza asigurea de sanatate si viata pe cont propriu, in timpul muncii la Misisunea de Observare a Alegerilor. Organizația pentru Securitate și Cooperare în Europa/ Biroul pentru instituții democratice și drepturile omului, Misisunea de Observare a Alegerilor sau reprezentatii acesteia nu vor fi trasi la raspundere pentru orice creanta aparuta in urma stricaciunii, paguba sau mortea cauzata de un accident in timpul exercitarii contractului.

    7. Despagubire
    Nici o forma de despagubiri nu vor fi asigurate de prezentul contract

    8. Drepturi si Obligatii :
    Drepturile si beneficiile angajatului sunt strict limitate in conformitate cu conditiile specificate in prezentul Contract de Scurta Durata. Prin urmare, angajatul nu va avea dreptul sa primeasca alte plati, alocatii sau beneficii decit cele mentionate in articolul 3. Pentru indeplineirea sarcinilor de lucru, angajatul se va supune delegatiei care semneaza prezentul contract.
    Prestatorul de servicii trebue sa urmeze cu strictete codul de conduita prezentat ulterior :
    sa nu fie implicat in nici o activitate politica, pentru a nu promova sau defaima un anumit candidat sau partid politic
    sa demontreze un nivel inalt de comportament personal si professional, mereu
    sa se abtina de la orice tip de actiune care poate cauza neincredere in obiectivitate
    sa lucreze exlusiv pentru Obervatorii pe Termen Scurt in timpul zilelor consimtite de ambele parti
    sa evite orice tip de actiune, afirmatii, sau activitati publice, care pot fi daunatoare pentru rewalizarea activitatii lor. In special el/ea nu va intreprinde nici o actiune care ar putea discredita Misiunea.


    9. Alte conditii :
    Organizația pentru Securitate și Cooperare în Europa/ Biroul pentru instituții democratice și drepturile omului sau Obervatorii pe Termen Scurt nu vor compensa traducatorii cu taxe sau contributii care pot fi achitate la salariu, nici alte contributii in respect pentru securitatea sociala sau a sistemului de pensii.

    10. Declarație de declinare a responsabilității
    Organizația pentru Securitate și Cooperare în Europa/ Biroul pentru instituții democratice și drepturile omului sau Obervatorii pe Termen Scurt nu si\unt parte a prezentului contract si nu vor purta nici o responsabilitate care poate deriva de la angajat.

    Data : 28.11.2014 Semanatuta Observatorului pe termen scurt___

    Prin aceasta, eu accept oferta de angajare in conformitate cu conditiile stabilite mai sus fara limitari
    Eu confirm, ca eu nu sufar de nici o afectiune medicala, care m-ar putea impiedica sa imi indeplinesc indatoririle sau care ar ameninta viata altor persoane.
    Eu semnez Instructiunile privind Siguranta Calatoriei care fac parte din prezentul Contract de Scurta Durata ca dovada ca am citit Instructiunile privind Siguranta Calatoriei si prin urmare accept si sunt intru totul de acord cu ele.
    Eu semnez Codul de Conduita al Organizația pentru Securitate și Cooperare în Europa/ Biroul pentru Instituții Democratice și Drepturile Omului, care fac parte din Contractul pe Termen Scurt, ca dovada ca l-am citit atent si sunt intru totul de acort cu el.

    Data 28.11.2014/ Semnatura Traducatorului___


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